Why are thousands of businesses using Lokalii?

Because it works!

Save time. Boost revenue. Keep schedules full. Collect more reviews. Run more efficiently. Find out what thousands of offices have already discovered: Lokalii works!

*Estimated, on average, as reported by Lokalii customers

Lokalii is the one place for every customer interaction.

more customers.

Never miss a potential customer. Help customers find you more easily, get more reviews and bring in more business every day.

What you can do:

customers engaged.

Interact with your customers via phone, text, email or chat.

What you can do:

customer retention.

Build loyalty and keep customers coming back with automated scheduling, reminders, reviews  and payments.

What you can do:

Lokalii is better for your business.

More personalized. More modern. More efficient.
See why more businesses are switching to Lokalii.

A single, unified platform

Every customer interaction in one place, so no need for multiple providers. And since phones are the core of your interactions, they are the core of our platform.

Request Payment and Reviews

Send your customers a text or email to request and collect payment as well as reviews.

Always Communicate with your clients

Keep your business up and running even when you’re not in the office, with all communications coming from your office number.

Long-term contracts? Nope.

We know you’ll love Lokalii, which is why we offer month-to-month billing and with the freedom to cancel at any time, hassle-free.
We also offer a FREE 1 MONTH TRIAL.

Key Features

*Missed Call Text-back

*Unified Inbox (Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps and Google my Business, Emails, Text Messages and Website Chat box)
*Quick and Easy Review and Payment Request.
*Automated contact response (gather your customers information or redirect them to a desired location automatically.)
*A virtual number (Separate your personal phone from your business phone)
*Email Marketing Automation

We’re changing how

small business 


operate and grow.

Calls, texts, and emails sent with Lokalii


Reviews initiated by Lokalii


Payments collected with Lokalii


See Lokalii in action.

Discover how the Lokalii platform can help you grow your business like never before.

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