Everything you need in one simple package and price.
Every website comes with the following:

A good place to start, add as many as you’d like!*

Attractive and responsive design
Your site will be built to look good across all screen sizes.
Unique and professional layout
Custom fonts, colours, layouts and graphics.
1 Year of FREE super-fast hosting
I use a wicked-fast, custom-built, fully managed server.
Up to 3 professional e-mail addresses
Emails using your domain name. ie: [email protected]
Free SSL Certificate (https://)
Every site comes with its own SSL certificate.
Free DDoS Protection
Keeps your site safe, even while hacking is attempted.
Content Delivery Network
Load and run your website faster and more efficiently.
Malware Scanning & Removal
Your website is protected from malware.
Free daily backups
Your website is backed-up every day.
Backups are stored for 28 days and can be
restored at any time if something goes wrong.
*Need extras like extra pages, ecommerce, membership section, additional forms or more pages? I’ll give you a custom quote!

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